Wanhua Chemical announces resumption of production!

On the evening of September 26, Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on the resumption of production of MDI integration, petrochemical integration and other devic…

On the evening of September 26, Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on the resumption of production of MDI integration, petrochemical integration and other devices in Yantai Industrial Park.

According to the “Announcement on the Suspension of Production and Maintenance of MDI Integration, Petrochemical Integration and Other Equipment in Yantai Industrial Park of Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd.” issued by the company on August 12, 2023, the MDI Integration of the Company’s Yantai Industrial Park (mainly including 1.1 million tons of MDI /year, TDI 300,000 tons/year), petrochemical integration (mainly including PDH 750,000 tons/year, PO/MTBE 24/760,000 tons/year) and related supporting equipment will stop production for maintenance on August 15, 2023. As of now, the production shutdown and maintenance of the above-mentioned devices have ended and normal production has resumed.


On August 11, Wanhua Chemical issued an announcement stating that based on the characteristics of the production process of chemical companies, in order to ensure the safe and effective operation of production equipment, in accordance with the annual maintenance plan, the company’s Yantai Industrial Park MDI integration (mainly including MDI 1.1 million tons/year, TDI 300,000 tons/year), petrochemical integration (mainly including PDH 750,000 tons/year, PO/MTBE 24/760,000 tons/year) and related supporting equipment will be shut down for maintenance on August 15, 2023, and the maintenance is expected to be 40 About days.

Other recent MDI news

According to a report by Indian Chemical News on September 20, Dow launched a new MDI distillation and prepolymer unit at its production base in Freeport, Texas, and officially put it into commercial operation. The new Freeport MDI facility replaces Dow’s North American capacity in La Porte, Texas, and will provide an additional 30% of product supply to Dow’s customers. Concurrent with the launch of the new MDI facility, Dow shut down polyurethane production equipment at its La Porte plant.

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Author: clsrich
