Imported yarn quotations are weak and traders are willing to ship goods

According to feedback from some light textile traders in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places, since mid-September, in addition to inquiries and shipments of C20S-C40S kni…

According to feedback from some light textile traders in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places, since mid-September, in addition to inquiries and shipments of C20S-C40S knitted yarn from India, Vietnam, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and other producing areas, the transaction volume of OE yarn and coarse-count ring spinning yarn has picked up. The sales of medium and high-count siro spinning in Vietnam, India and other producing areas have not improved significantly with the arrival of the “Golden September and Silver Ten”, and orders are still mainly from coastal areas with urgent needs of weaving factories and middlemen. .

Large and medium-sized weaving enterprises in Shaoxing, Xiaoshan, Xiangshan and other places reported that new foreign trade orders since late August have increased to a certain extent compared with June/July (the proportion of traceable orders accounts for more than 50%). For knitting yarn, combed 21S/ The replenishment of 32S yarn is proceeding slowly, and the operating rate of fabric factories has generally returned to 50-60% (the operating rate in Foshan, Zhongshan and other places in Guangdong is about 30-40%). However, the majority of incoming orders are short-term and bulk orders, and large orders and Medium and long-term orders are scarce and lower than expected by textile, fabric, and apparel companies.

Judging from the survey, ICE cotton futures continue to consolidate at 85-89 cents/pound, some domestic traders sell goods, causing the center of gravity of cotton yarn quotations to shift downward, and the number of imported yarns arriving in Hong Kong for storage in the past half month has continued to increase, etc. Affected by various factors, this week, both external and internal quotations of foreign yarns showed a weak and downward trend.

According to industry analysis, the cotton yarns in public warehouses in light textile markets such as Guangdong Foshan, Zhejiang Shaoxing, Jiangsu Changzhou/Nantong and other light textile markets continue to be in a “full warehouse” state. In addition, in September, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang markets imported Indian ring spinning and Pakistani medium and low-count Sero. The number of spinning yarn arrivals in Hong Kong has continued to increase, so the phenomenon of “spinning yarn overflow” has reappeared.

Some traders believe that the impact of trade barriers in European and American countries on China’s textile and clothing exports is difficult to weaken. Coupled with the negative constraints such as wide fluctuations in the RMB exchange rate and the resumption of growth in textile and clothing exports from Vietnam, Bangladesh, Pakistan and other countries, bonded and customs clearance in the fourth quarter will There is little hope of easing the pressure on cotton yarn shipments, so in recent days, we have stepped up sales orders and recovered loans. It is also understood that the shipping schedules of open-end spinning yarns supplied by yarn mills in Vietnam, India, Thailand and other countries have been relatively loose recently, and buyers can ship and deliver goods as soon as they place an order.

This article is from the Internet, does not represent 【】 position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich
