Flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric_Cotton flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric information platform Flame-retardant Fabric News The Hengchao project was selected into the Zhejiang Major Foreign Investment Project Promotion Plan! Take a look at the “future factory” Tongkun is building for the polyester industry

The Hengchao project was selected into the Zhejiang Major Foreign Investment Project Promotion Plan! Take a look at the “future factory” Tongkun is building for the polyester industry

Recently, the “2023 Zhejiang Province Major Foreign Investment Project Promotion Plan” was released, and Tongkun Group Zhejiang Hengchao Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.’…

Recently, the “2023 Zhejiang Province Major Foreign Investment Project Promotion Plan” was released, and Tongkun Group Zhejiang Hengchao Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.’s annual output of 600,000 tons of lightweight, comfortable and functional differentiated fiber project was selected.

The Tongkun Group Zhejiang Hengchao Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. located in Zhouquan Town has an annual output of 600,000 tons of lightweight, comfortable and functional differentiated fiber project that has been successfully launched not long ago.

The second phase project of Hengchao Company is the polyester filament project with the largest single-line production capacity under Tongkun Group, with a total investment of 3.25 billion yuan. After the project is fully put into operation, it will have an annual production capacity of 600,000 tons of lightweight, comfortable and functional differentiated fibers and an annual production capacity of 1,584 tons of acetaldehyde recycling.

Panoramic view of Hengchao Phase II project

On the basis of introducing the world’s leading German Barmag production equipment, the project has further increased the proportion of domestic equipment used. “The advantages of these equipment and designs have enabled the project to be at a leading level in terms of production efficiency, product quality, and automation.” Qi Lizhou, general manager of Hengchao Company, said, “The products of the second phase of the project are mainly medium-thick denier fiber, which is similar to The ultra-fine denier fibers in the first phase complement each other, enabling Tongkun to cover the full range of POY products, further enhancing the company’s competitiveness.”

At the same time, Hengchao Company serves as a model factory for Tongkun Group’s “Future Factory”. The commissioning of this project also makes Tongkun Group move towards “intelligent manufacturing” faster and faster.

In August last year, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology announced the list of the first batch of “future factories” in Zhejiang Province in 2022. Tongkun Group Co., Ltd.’s Tongkun polyester fiber “future factory” is on the list.

Walking into the Tongkun Group workshop, the silk cakes were automatically dropped from the production line onto the cart neatly and orderly, and were sent to the packaging workshop along the track. After intelligent packaging, labeling and other processes, the products automatically enter the three-dimensional warehouse with the transfer vehicle. There are few people in the workshop. Instead, there are various types of automation equipment and 5G robots. Dozens of robotic arms are lined up in a row, stretching and completing all processes. Only a few workers in each workshop are staring at smart terminals. This is the “factory of the future” that Tongkun Group is building. According to reports, after the implementation of the “Future Factory” project, Tongkun Group established an industrial big data platform with data connectivity for the entire polyester fiber industry chain. The automation rate of the factory reached more than 90%, the equipment data acquisition rate exceeded 95%, and the output value was 10,000 yuan. Costs dropped by 63%, product defective rates dropped by 47%, product development cycles were shortened by 53%, and per capita annual output value increased by 28%.

Based on long-term development, Tongkun Group has proposed a three-step digital top-level design of “global visibility, global analysis, and global intelligence”. So far, Tongkun Group has achieved the goal of “global visibility” in the first phase, completed the transformation and enhancement of the industrial network of each branch factory and workshop, connected nearly 30,000 pieces of equipment on thousands of production lines, and will Full production data and information system data will be integrated and processed, and it is expected to achieve “global analysis” by 2023, laying the foundation for “global intelligence”.

“We have deployed 1.5 million points in more than 30 companies in the group, and have connected the marketing, customer service, finished product inventory and other sectors, achieving horizontal interconnection and vertical connection, so that production scheduling no longer needs to be based on experience. “The relevant person in charge of Tongkun Group said that next, the company will deepen the two-wheel drive model of Tongkun’s “brain” + the “brain” of the synthetic fiber industry, and promote the upgrading of product and service quality in the chemical fiber industry.

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Author: clsrich
