Imported yarn: polarization is obvious, high-count yarn transactions may pick up

According to feedback from light textile import and export companies in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places, since the end of March, due to the relatively tight supply of…

According to feedback from light textile import and export companies in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places, since the end of March, due to the relatively tight supply of domestic C50S and C60S cotton yarns, some cloth factories and middlemen who have received short-term export orders have made inquiries about port bonded/customs cleared high-count yarns. , the enthusiasm for purchasing goods has rebounded, and the market for C50S and above compact spinning/siro spinning in Vietnam, India and other producing countries has bottomed out; however, affected by factors such as the closing of summer and autumn orders and the continued depreciation of the RMB, the transaction volume of imported OE yarn in February/March was not satisfactory. , 8S-16S ring spinning yarn shipments showed signs of weakness.

A medium-sized weaving company in Lanxi, Zhejiang said that considering that the original domestic cotton yarn supplier arranged orders for 60S cotton yarn one month later, and the export traceability orders were urgently delivered and the construction period was short, the purchase of high-count cotton yarn at the port was “emergency” and transitioned to some domestic products. The preferred choice of traders and cloth mills. However, because the spot inventory of Indian yarn and Vietnamese yarn at ports is not very sufficient, traders not only have a strong willingness to raise prices, but also the specific price of cotton yarn between different yarn mills, different batches, and different containers. The quality indicators vary greatly (including CVC evenness, breakage rate per 100 meters, hairiness and neps, etc.). Purchasing companies need to conduct multiple random inspections of large goods, and it is critical to choose one manufacturer to supply as much as possible.

Judging from the survey, since mid-to-late March, the performance differentiation of outer yarns has become more and more obvious, driven by the general increase in quotations of domestic 50S and higher count yarns by 500-1,000 yuan/ton and the stockpiles of yarns in ports and yarn mills in India, Vietnam and other countries. Driven by the low price, coupled with the speculation of a few traders, reluctance to sell, and the main ICE cotton futures contract exceeding 80 cents/pound, 83 cents/pound and other factors, the sentiment of high-count yarn is rising both internally and externally. while the quotations of imported open-end spinning yarn, C32S and below ring spinning yarn kept falling, and it was very common for traders to grab orders and lower prices. It is understood that the continued weakening of internal and external price inversions and the fact that traceable orders are still mostly short orders, bulk orders, and supplementary orders are important factors for consumer terminals to pay more attention to the spot import of high-count yarn.

This article is from the Internet, does not represent 【】 position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich
