Xinjiang: Purchase price rises, cotton price difference inside and outside Xinjiang narrows

China Cotton Network Special News: According to feedback from some cotton processing companies in Kuitun, Changji, Shihezi and other places, as the seed cotton harvest in northern …

China Cotton Network Special News: According to feedback from some cotton processing companies in Kuitun, Changji, Shihezi and other places, as the seed cotton harvest in northern Xinjiang has come to an end (the seed cotton grade and quality indicators have declined, and the moisture content has increased), coupled with the rain in some areas The snowy weather has caused farmers to sell and ginning mills to slow down the purchase progress. The purchase price of machine-picked seed cotton with 40 lint cents, moisture content within 12%, and miscellaneous content within 12% has stabilized at 5.80-6.0 yuan/kg. The company’s focus has been on seed cotton. Acquisitions have shifted to processing, transportation and warehousing, public inspection and sales; while the purchase price of southern Xinjiang seed cotton has continued to rise slightly, driven by the continued rebound of the CF2301 contract, the main force of Zheng Cotton, the relaxation of epidemic prevention and control, and the acceleration of acquisitions and processing of cotton processing enterprises, 40 cents , the overall purchase price of standard seed cotton within double 12% exceeded 6.0 yuan/kg, reaching 6.0-6.10 yuan/kg (the highest purchase price of 40 clothes cents in southern Xinjiang reached 6.20 yuan/kg on November 17).

A processing plant in Aksu said that since mid-November, farmers’ reluctance to sell has weakened. Some ginners that did not open scales or purchases due to epidemic control in the early stage, processing slow, and the seed cotton harvest in southern Xinjiang have entered the peak period have made the market more competitive. active, and the confidence of processing enterprises continues to recover.

From a statistical point of view, in recent days, not only the daily processing volume of lint cotton in the Xinjiang cotton area has stabilized at more than 60,000 tons, but the progress of public inspections has also accelerated significantly. From June 15th to 17th, the new lint cotton inspection volume reached 31,600 tons, respectively. 31,200 tons and 39,900 tons, making the probability of long positions forced on the CF2301 contract declining. However, judging from the survey, although the main contract of Zheng cotton broke through the resistance level of 13,500 this week and rose by more than 500 points since mid-October, the spot quotations of Xinjiang cotton in warehouses inside and outside Xinjiang have still not been raised in response, and processing companies have rushed to quote and ship. The wait-and-see sentiment and reluctance to sell are relatively weak.

On November 18, the fixed price of “Double 28/Double 29” machine-picked cotton in supervision warehouses in Xinjiang was 14,000-14,150 yuan/ton, and the fixed price of “Double 28/Double 29” in warehouses in Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu and other inland areas was 15,100-15,200 yuan/ton. Yuan/ton, although the price difference inside and outside Xinjiang remains above 1,000 yuan/ton, due to factors such as the substantial increase in Xinjiang cotton highway shipments since late October and the gradual relaxation of epidemic prevention and control, the price difference has narrowed by more than 100 yuan/ton. Industry analysis shows that as Xinjiang’s cotton processing and public inspection progress accelerates significantly in November and December, cotton spinning mills, cotton traders, and futures companies will also increase their entry into the market, and Xinjiang’s cotton sales market is expected to become more and more “busy.”


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Author: clsrich
