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Textile and apparel professional market in 2022: maintaining stability, innovation, and reshuffling

1. Overall operation of the professional market in the first half of 2022 In the first half of 2022, the total turnover of 46 textile and apparel professional markets (including ma…

1. Overall operation of the professional market in the first half of 2022

In the first half of 2022, the total turnover of 46 textile and apparel professional markets (including market groups) monitored by the Circulation Branch reached 544.797 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.70%. Among them, the transaction volume of 6 markets increased year-on-year, accounting for 59.43% of the total transaction volume, with an average increase of 5.92%; the transaction volume of 40 markets decreased year-on-year, accounting for 40.57% of the total transaction volume, with an average decrease of 24.05%.

(1) Analysis of market operation efficiency

From the perspective of market operating efficiency, the average operating efficiency (annualized) of the 46 textile and apparel professional markets monitored in the first half of 2022 was 48,939.03 yuan/square meter, a year-on-year decrease of 8.70%; the average store efficiency (annualized) was 3.7411 million yuan/shop , a year-on-year decrease of 8.67%.

(2) Market regional structure analysis

From the perspective of regional structure, in the first half of the year, among the 46 key monitored markets, the turnover of the professional market in the eastern region was 486.602 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.21%, accounting for 89.32% of the total turnover of the professional market; the turnover of the professional market in the central region was 421.84 billion yuan. billion, a year-on-year decrease of 16.15%, accounting for 7.74% of the total professional market turnover; the western region’s professional market turnover was 16.010 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 27.16%, accounting for 2.94% of the total professional market turnover.

(3) Analysis of circulation hierarchical structure

From the perspective of circulation level, the 46 key monitoring market units include 27 production-based professional markets and 19 sales-based professional markets. In the first half of 2022, the transaction volume of 27 land-based markets reached 493.193 billion yuan, accounting for 90.53% of the total transaction volume, a year-on-year decrease of 7.29%; the transaction volume of 19 land-based markets was 51.604 billion yuan, accounting for 9.47% of the total transaction volume. , a year-on-year decrease of 20.29%.

(4) Prosperity Index Analysis

Chart 2 Prosperity Index in the First Half of 2022

Chart 3 Prosperity trend in the first half of 2022

In terms of prosperity, in the first half of 2022, the prosperity trend of textile and apparel professional market managers and merchants are basically consistent. The average manager’s prosperity index is 49.02, and the average merchant’s prosperity index is 49.28, both below the 50 boom-bust line. It can be seen that the business confidence of professional market operation managers and merchants in the first half of the year is generally insufficient, and the prosperity index is low.

2. Data analysis for the first half of 2022

(1) The textile and apparel professional market has been seriously affected by the epidemic

From March to June 2022, affected by the epidemic, textile and clothing professional markets in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Haicheng, Shaoxing, Xinjiang and other places experienced long-term closures. The northeast and northwest of the national textile and clothing professional market circulation network The key distribution and distribution centers in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions have been affected to varying degrees. The overall transportation network of textile circulation has been blocked, resulting in a significant decline in overall transaction volume in the first half of 2022.

After the market resumes business, the aftermath of the epidemic still brings major operational obstacles. In terms of wholesale business, the professional market has been greatly affected by the surrounding epidemic and traffic control, and the number of bulk customers has dropped significantly. In terms of retail business, affected by the epidemic, consumers’ willingness to purchase clothing and apparel products in physical stores has declined, and retail customer traffic has sharply increased. Reduction; in terms of online business, some professional market merchants are actively increasing sales through online stores, live broadcasts, etc., but they are still restricted by epidemic control regulations at the place of shipment and place of receipt, and logistics is not smooth; in terms of supply of goods, some origins The textile and apparel market is facing problems such as factory shutdowns and production, skilled workers returning home/quarantine, and inability to deliver goods as scheduled. In terms of merchants, the inability to return to normal operating levels for a long time has resulted in varying degrees of merchant losses and vacant shops in the national textile and apparel professional markets. Phenomenon.

(2) Market services continue to innovate in exploration

In the first half of the year, market merchants faced huge operating difficulties, which brought new challenges to the operation and services of professional markets. The textile and apparel professional market has overcome unfavorable conditions, actively provided value-added services, continuously explored and innovated based on actual conditions, and improved service quality. While relieving merchants, it also opened up a new value space for the market platform.

The value-added services that are most developed in my country’s textile and apparel professional market and have the highest merchant satisfaction are diversion and expansion services, such as order fairs, purchasing festivals, cross-regional exchanges and docking, etc. In the first half of the year, Guangzhou International Textile City’s 2022 Textile Accessories (Spring and Summer) Purchasing Festival, 2022 Haining Home Textile New Product Ordering Season and other activities were carried out smoothly, increasing market turnover. In recent years, the preparation difficulty and risk index for events with complex crowd gathering, transportation and reception processes have become increasingly difficult, and the final results often fail to meet expectations. Therefore, the professional market has tried to introduce digital tools, integrate online and offline channels, and coordinate expansion, and has achieved good results. For example, Guangzhou Hongmian Zhongdamen Hongmian International Fashion Week live broadcast base invites people from South Korea and Guangzhou.Internet celebrities from Sanxing and Hongmian Fashion City joined the fashion week live broadcast camp and mastered the online traffic password; Keqiao China Textile City created a special online trade fair for Central Asian textiles to complete one-to-one connection and help Merchants are exploring the market and maintaining their share even when they are unable to open their doors normally.

(3) Market merchants present a diversified development trend

Facing the complex and ever-changing market competition situation, merchants in the textile and apparel professional market actively adjust their business ideas, innovate business models, survive and seek development in adversity, stimulating huge survival resilience and innovation potential, and demonstrating flexible adjustment and adaptability. and strong resource integration capabilities. In the process of continuous exploration and innovation, merchants are showing a diversified development trend.

The merchant structure is diversified. In addition to the traditional wholesale merchants and multi-brand agency merchants, there are an increasing number of buyer-assembling merchants and wholesale and retail merchants. College student entrepreneurs and second-generation innovative merchants are constantly emerging, providing a professional market Unlock more new models and scenarios that integrate online and offline; the products are diversified, and the professional market is gradually segmented into vertical categories. For example, the women’s clothing merchants in the Sijiqing Market in Hangzhou cover Hangzhou-style women’s clothing and Korean women’s clothing. , European-style women’s clothing, plus-size women’s clothing, trendy brand women’s clothing and other sub-categories, the age structure, design style, price range, etc. are further diversified; sales channels are diversified, and professional market merchants use live broadcast store visits, live broadcast sales, and e-commerce Supply, private domain traffic sales and other methods integrate online and offline traffic, overcome the inconvenience caused by the epidemic with online innovation, and achieve an increase in sales.

(4) The Matthew Effect is prominent in the professional market

In the first half of the year, among the 46 textile and apparel professional markets (including market groups) monitored nationwide, only 6 markets achieved a year-on-year increase in transaction volume, and the transaction volume of these 6 markets accounted for 59.43% of the total transaction volume of the 46 markets. , which includes my country’s leading market group of hundreds of billions in textile fabrics, home textiles, small commodities and other categories. In recent years, the intensive development trend of my country’s professional market has become increasingly obvious. High-quality production capacity, high-quality merchants, and high-quality customers in the textile and apparel industry have gathered in strong leading markets, promoting leading markets to integrate more resources and create higher value. Judging from future trends, intensive development will still be the focus of the structural adjustment of the textile and apparel professional market. As long as the market turnover is stable, the total market volume may continue to be streamlined.


In the first half of 2022, my country’s textile and apparel professional market faced a sudden cold winter and entered a huge dilemma with chain reactions and concentrated outbreaks such as blocked opening operations, unstable supply chains, unsmooth logistics, sluggish terminal retail sales, and bottoming out of merchant confidence. It can be predicted that the key words of my country’s textile and apparel professional market throughout 2022 will be: maintaining stability, innovation, and reshuffling.

Since the epidemic, the total number of merchants in the national textile and apparel professional market has continued to decline. It has become increasingly common for small and medium-sized merchants to change careers, abandon physical stores, and be reluctant to open their doors to balance costs. The textile and apparel professional market has boosted merchants through innovative positioning and innovative services. Confidence and actively maintain stability. On the one hand, it organizes investment promotion and expansion, attracts online and offline traffic, and develops all-platform channels to open up new upstream and downstream channels for merchants and increase turnover; on the other hand, it actively cooperates with brand operations, fashion design, professional schools, intellectual property rights, etc. Cooperate with similar platform institutions and organizations to help merchants cultivate their internal skills and enhance their competitiveness. Amid the big waves, high-quality resources in the industry continue to gather in leading markets in various regions with stronger innovation capabilities and higher service efficiency. The industry will further accelerate polarization, and industry reshuffle will also become the main theme of the next stage.


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Author: clsrich
