Hainan Refining and Chemical’s 1 million tons of ethylene project equipment updates

Recently, the Hainan Refining and Chemical 1 million tons/year ethylene project constructed by the Fifth Construction Company of the Refining and Chemical Engineering Group has a 2…

Recently, the Hainan Refining and Chemical 1 million tons/year ethylene project constructed by the Fifth Construction Company of the Refining and Chemical Engineering Group has a 2.6 million tons/year continuous reforming unit, a 100,000 tons/year MTBE/butene-1 unit, and a 160,000 tons/year Butadiene extraction unit is of high standard. So far, all six main units of the Hainan Refining and Chemical Ethylene Project constructed by Fifth Construction Company have been delivered to high standards.

Since the start of construction, the project department has formulated construction plans around the key paths of the project, innovated management methods, strengthened information management, and extensively carried out party building and labor competition to ensure efficient operation of the project.

During the process, in view of the large amount of steel structure installation and process pipeline welding, the project department adopted modular operations to improve construction efficiency and reduce the risk of high-altitude operations; automatic welding was used for process pipeline welding, which improved welding efficiency. In view of the “high, large, dense and concentrated” characteristics of the installation, we insist on monitoring key operations, analyze and break down unsafe factors, and implement various safety measures in detail to ensure safe, stable and accident-free construction operations. In terms of quality management, the project department ensures quality control through measures such as “visual” quality disclosure, “model guidance” and “QR code” information management. At the same time, during the construction of the installation, the project department gave full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and model role of party members, and established a “Party Member Commando Team” and “Party Member Demonstration Post”. During the most intense stage of the project installation work, the project department carried out “four to one” In the “create” labor competition, party members and cadres took the lead to “compare progress, safety, quality, and on-site management to create a civilized construction site” and advance project construction in an orderly manner.

In the next stage, the Wujian Hainan Refining and Chemical Ethylene Project Department will organize the completion of construction and start-up and transportation to ensure that the device is successfully commissioned and commissioned.

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Author: clsrich
