Flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric_Cotton flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric information platform Flame-retardant Fabric News Several terminals went on strike, operations at the port were disrupted, and Maersk announced an emergency plan!

Several terminals went on strike, operations at the port were disrupted, and Maersk announced an emergency plan!

The Port of Rotterdam remains severely affected by ongoing strikes at several terminals in the Dutch port due to ongoing collective labor agreement (CLA) negotiations between union…

The Port of Rotterdam remains severely affected by ongoing strikes at several terminals in the Dutch port due to ongoing collective labor agreement (CLA) negotiations between unions and the Hutchinson Delta II and Maasvlakte II terminals. Some operations are disrupted.

Maersk stated in a recent customer consultation that due to the impact of strike negotiations, many terminals in the Port of Rotterdam are in a state of extremely low efficiency and the current business in and out of the port is severely disrupted.

Maersk expects its TA1 and TA3 services to be affected immediately and to be extended depending on how the situation develops. The Danish shipping company said that in order to minimize the impact on customers’ supply chains, Maersk has developed a number of contingency measures.

It is unclear how long negotiations will take place, but Maersk teams will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as necessary. The company operates Maasvlakte II Terminal through its port operating subsidiary APM Terminals.

To keep operations as smooth as possible, Maersk has made the following changes to upcoming shipping schedules:

In line with Maersk’s contingency measures, port-to-port bookings terminating in Antwerp will require alternative transportation to reach the intended final destination at the customer’s expense. Door-to-door bookings will be delivered to the final destination as planned.

In addition, the Cap San Lorenzo (245N/249S) voyage is unable to dock in Rotterdam and contingency plans are being developed to minimize disruption to customer supply chains.

Import: The cargo is planned to be unloaded at Antwerp Europa Terminal Q869 on ETA 16/12, but the call at Rotterdam Port is cancelled.

Export: Cap San Lorenzo (245N) exporting cargo from Rotterdam, scheduled adjustment Hutchinson Delta II, ETD 22/12.

Cap San Marco (247A/251S) voyage cannot berth in Rotterdam:,

Import: The cargo is planned to be unloaded at Antwerp Europa Terminal Q869 ETA 23/12, and the call at Rotterdam Port is cancelled.

Export: Goods need to be delivered at Antwerp, Europa Terminal Q869 ETA 29.12.

Kalahari Express 224N flight will be adjusted as follows:


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Author: clsrich
