Spin mills start “destocking” mode, which will affect the start-up rate

According to feedback from some cotton textile companies in Hebei, Shandong, Henan and other places, supported by the continued recovery in the operating rate of weaving companies …

According to feedback from some cotton textile companies in Hebei, Shandong, Henan and other places, supported by the continued recovery in the operating rate of weaving companies in coastal areas such as Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang since December, the phased expansion of cotton yarn replenishment, and the pre-holiday stockings of some cotton yarn traders, Not only are inquiries and shipments of OE yarns and 40S and above ring spinning continuing to pick up (a few yarn mills have placed orders for OE yarns until the end of January), but yarn prices have also seen a slight increase that has not been seen for a long time (although the terminal acceptance capacity is not strong, the yarn The price is tentatively higher).

A textile company in Zhengzhou, Henan Province said that as the epidemic control is gradually relaxed, order taking, production, transportation, delivery, etc. are gradually resumed. It is reasonable for the demand of downstream weaving and clothing companies to rebound briefly, which is a good news for most cotton spinning companies. As a “New Year’s gift”, yarn mills have started the “destocking” mode one after another, and the capital flow has been effectively supplemented, effectively alleviating the expenditure pressure before and after the Spring Festival. In addition, we should observe the current cotton futures market conditions at any time and start replenishing raw materials at a relatively low level.

However, according to the survey, due to the increasing number of infected workers in some cotton textile enterprises and the rising proportion, the phenomenon of asking for leave and being unable to come to work has become more and more common. As a result, the workshop operation rate has not rebounded significantly compared with November but has declined. Recently, it has affected the yarn mills in accepting new orders and delivering goods according to the contract. A 50,000-spindle yarn factory in Handan, Hebei Province reported that as positive infections accounted for more than 10% of the factory’s employees, there was a certain amount of panic among employees; coupled with the factors of the Spring Festival in about another month, although Foshan, Shaoxing, etc. Local customers have increased their actual orders in the past half month, but delivery is mainly before the Spring Festival. The company is worried that the short-term employee infection rate caused by the relaxation of epidemic control will remain high. It is difficult to effectively start up equipment such as roving and spinning frames, resulting in insufficient production capacity. Unable to arrange and deliver orders within the time required by the customer, the order had to be rejected. Around mid-January, the focus was on accelerating “destocking”, increasing efforts to collect payment, and receiving medium and long-term orders.

According to feedback from some cotton textile companies in Hebei, Shandong, Henan and other places, supported by the continued recovery in the operating rate of weaving companies in coastal areas such as Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang since December, the phased expansion of cotton yarn replenishment, and the pre-holiday stockings of some cotton yarn traders, Not only are inquiries and shipments of OE yarns and 40S and above ring spinning continuing to pick up (a few yarn mills have placed orders for OE yarns until the end of January), but yarn prices have also seen a slight increase that has not been seen for a long time (although the terminal acceptance capacity is not strong, the yarn The price is tentatively higher). A textile company in Zhengzhou, Henan Province said that as the epidemic control is gradually relaxed, order taking, production, transportation, delivery, etc. are gradually resumed. It is reasonable for the demand of downstream weaving and clothing companies to rebound briefly, which is a good news for most cotton spinning companies. As a “New Year’s gift”, yarn mills have started the “destocking” mode one after another, and the capital flow has been effectively supplemented, effectively alleviating the expenditure pressure before and after the Spring Festival. In addition, we should observe the current cotton futures market conditions at any time and start replenishing raw materials at a relatively low level. However, according to the survey, due to the increasing number of infected workers in some cotton textile enterprises and the rising proportion, the phenomenon of asking for leave and being unable to come to work has become more and more common. As a result, the workshop operation rate has not rebounded significantly compared with November but has declined. Recently, it has affected the yarn mills in accepting new orders and delivering goods according to the contract. A 50,000-spindle yarn factory in Handan, Hebei Province reported that as positive infections accounted for more than 10% of the factory’s employees, there was a certain amount of panic among employees; coupled with the factors of the Spring Festival in about another month, although Foshan, Shaoxing, etc. Local customers have increased their actual orders in the past half month, but delivery is mainly before the Spring Festival. The company is worried that the short-term employee infection rate caused by the relaxation of epidemic control will remain high. It is difficult to effectively start up equipment such as roving and spinning frames, resulting in insufficient production capacity. Unable to arrange and deliver orders within the time required by the customer, the order had to be rejected. Around mid-January, we will focus on accelerating “destocking”, increasing efforts to collect payment, and receiving medium and long-term orders.

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Author: clsrich
