MEG imports are expected to remain low

Introduction: According to customs statistics, the total import volume of ethylene glycol in July 2022 was 570,552.378 tons, and the average import price was US$613.08/ton, a decre…

Introduction: According to customs statistics, the total import volume of ethylene glycol in July 2022 was 570,552.378 tons, and the average import price was US$613.08/ton, a decrease of 75,900 tons from the previous month and a month-on-month decrease of 11.74%.

Data source: General Administration of Customs

In July, my country’s main source of ethylene glycol imports was Saudi Arabia, with an import volume of 334,800 tons, accounting for 59%. Canada continued to rank second, with an import volume of 118,600 tons, accounting for 21%. The United States ranked second. Third, the import volume is 75,500 tons, accounting for 13%, while Taiwan Province’s import volume has shrunk to 1%. The reason is also that due to the impact of profits, the device load has decreased and the output has decreased. Currently, all ethylene glycol in Asia is at a In a loss-making state, downstream demand continues to be weak, and raw material prices in Saudi Arabia and the United States have certain advantages compared to Asia.

Data source: General Administration of Customs

In July, my country’s ethylene glycol receiving and shipping places were mainly concentrated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Jiangsu’s import volume in July was 231,700 tons, accounting for 41%, a decrease of 97,500 tons from the previous month; Zhejiang’s import volume was 185,500 tons, accounting for 41%. 33%, a decrease of 35,500 tons from the previous month. Port inventories continued to be high in July, and destocking was weak. Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces are the areas where polyester companies are concentrated in my country and are also the areas with the largest consumption of ethylene glycol.

Overall, domestic imports of ethylene glycol fell in July. At present, imports are in an upside-down situation for a long time. Port inventories are being destocked slowly, and the overall supply pressure is high. However, compared with product quality and stability, imported ethylene glycol has advantages. It still has a place, but limited by the terminal textile industry, the purchase intention of ethylene glycol has also weakened. In August, domestic ethylene glycol was still in a weak and volatile trend. Although the supply of domestic equipment for maintenance has shrunk, terminal demand is weak, and imports are expected to remain at a low level.

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Author: clsrich
